June 2025 AICE Exam Schedule
Please look over the exam schedule to see when your AICE exams are scheduled. Cambridge sets the dates and there are no make ups. The start times for exams are determined by Cambridge Key Times which ensure AICE exam security. Our school's Key Times are 9:00 am and 1:00 pm, which means a student must be under Centre Supervision at those times. Exams are scheduled so a student will finish a few minutes after the Key Time. In some cases, students may need to eat an earlier lunch shift, so they can be ready to start the exam at the scheduled time.
Most exams are more than one day, so make sure you are locating all of your exam dates. Your exam dates should reflect the AICE courses outlined on your schedule. Note: we do NOT test Pre-AICE courses.
June 2025 Cambridge Exam Schedule
AICE Exam Access Arrangements (Accommodations)
For students with IEP/504 plans ONLY:
Unfortunately, Cambridge International (located in the UK) does not recognize the IEP and 504 plans as the U.S. as it is an international testing organization similar to ACT or SAT. Therefore, we must submit substantial evidence and be approved by Cambridge for any extra time. That being said, Mrs. Cioffoletti will be applying for your student to have 25% extra time on their exam, however, it is not guaranteed that it will be awarded. Should you like to submit a request for more than 25%, you will need to complete the below Access Arrangements Form ASAP (final deadline for submission is January 14th). This form, along with your studentā€™s 504 or IEP, will be submitted to Cambridge for approval.
SDLC - Cambridge Assessment Access Arrangements Form.pdf