Athletic Paperwork Information Sheet
What you need to become a Student Athlete at Lehigh Senior
Minimum of 2.0 GPA
All students will be required to create an Athletic clearance account at by following the steps below:
- Visit Click on the Florida Picture
- Click on “Create an Account” and follow steps. Or sign in if you have previously created an account. Watch tutorial video if help is needed.
- Register. PARENTS register with valid email username and password.
- Login using your email address that you registered with
- Select “Start Clearance Here” to start the process.
- Choose the School Year in which the student plans to participate. Example: Football in Sept 2021 would be the 2021-2022 School Year.
- Choose the School at which the student attends and will compete for.
- Choose Sport. *You can also “Add New Sport” if a multi-sport athlete. Electronic signatures will be applied to the additional sports.
- Complete all required fields for Student Information, Educational History, Medical History and Signature Forms. (If you have gone through the process before, you will select the Student and Parent/Guardian from the dropdown menu on those pages)
- Once you reach the Confirmation Message (if your school uses it) you have completed the process.
- All this data will be electronically filed with your school’s athletic department for review. When the student has been cleared for participation, an email notification will be sent.
WHAT YOU NEED to UPLOAD to your account:
- FHSAA EL2- Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation: Completed by Doctor
- Transportation Form
- Parent/Athlete/Coach Pledge
- Birth Certificate
- Certificate of Completion for NFHS
- All Athletes are required to take the following courses before participating: Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Heat-Related Illness & Concussions for students. Upload your certifications to your Athletic Clearance account under "Files.”
The athletic office is here to assist you in becoming a Lightning Athlete; however, we cannot do your work. Make sure all your paperwork is completely and properly filled out. If it is not, you will not be cleared to participate! Athletes are not permitted to participate, even practice or condition (including summer workouts), unless all paperwork (including physical exam) is turned in