The Lighting Exhibition Drill team, otherwise known as LXD, is an after school team in JROTC that focuses on the precision, snap, pop, strength, timing, and dedication of its members. LXD participates in various competitions in both Armed and Unarmed Exhibition events such as the SGM Dennis Richardson Drill Meet in Sarasota Florida, The Lisa Pauchey Drill Meet at The University of Tampa, the Lee County Florida Gulf Coast Drill Meet (FGCDM), community events, and performances within the school among the likes of open house and homecoming. Since JROTC is a cadet run program, LXD has its own chain of Command starting with C/MSG Brito, as the Commander and C/LTC Boneta, as the Executive Officer. LXD practices are every Wednesday from 1:45-5:00 PM. We are looking forward to a great year so come out and see what you are made of!