Independent Sales Surtax Oversight Committee

The Independent Sales Surtax Oversight Committee shall consist of qualified members from the community whose purpose shall be to oversee the use of sales tax revenues in accordance with Exhibit A of the referendum and provide periodic reports of such use to the School Board.

As described in School Board Policy 9143, every effort shall be made to select individuals with a background in business, finance, construction, safety and security, and who reflect the racial and ethnic composition of the current Lee County community population.

The Committee shall consist of 15 members and two alternates who shall be residents of Lee County; shall serve as volunteers without compensation; shall not be current employees of the School District; and whose membership shall be approved by the School Board. Initially, each School Board Member shall select one member for a two year term and one member for a four year term to create staggered terms. Thereafter, Committee members shall be appointed for four year terms. The Superintendent shall select one member for a four year term. Members and alternates must not be a member of another Board Advisory Committee at the time of their appointment.

The School Board Chair and the Superintendent shall each select one alternate to be appointed by the Board. Alternates shall be appointed for four year terms. Alternates shall attend Committee meetings, however, an Alternate shall not have voting rights or the right to make any official decision of the Committee.

Meeting Dates


Agendas and Minutes